A new update has emerged in the case of the murderous attack on Saif Ali Khan. The face of the accused in facial recognition matches the face captured on CCTV. Mumbai Police confirmed this on Friday. Social media netizens had raised doubts about the face of the accused and the face captured on CCTV.
Mohammad Shariful Islam Shahzad is the accused.
On Friday, Mumbai Police said, "The face of the arrested accused Mohammad Shariful Islam Shahzad has matched in facial recognition. According to the test, the person seen in the CCTV footage and Mohammad Shariful Islam Shahzad are the same."
Netizens have expressed doubts on social media.
On social media, users were raising doubts about the face of the accused of the murderous attack on the actor and the face captured on CCTV. Many reports also claimed that the accused's fingerprints did not match the fingerprints found at the crime spot, after which further doubts about his identity increased.
Many wrong people were detained during the investigation.
During the investigation, the police also detained many wrong people. Due to this doubts remained even after the arrest of the real accused. Currently, the accused has been sent to judicial custody for 14 days. Saif Ali Khan was attacked several times by a man with a knife during an attempt to rob his house in Bandra, Mumbai on January 16. After this, the actor was taken to Lilavati Hospital, where he underwent several surgeries and was discharged after five days.
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