Science: According to the report of scientists, a woman's heart was deteriorating with the help of a new “unprecedented” stem-cell technology, which is kept alive. The 46 -year -old woman suffered a heart attack in 2016 and after that she had a serious heart failure, in which the heart could not pump enough blood to meet the needs of the body. The patient was waiting for a heart transplant, when he passed through the experimental stem-cell process as part of the clinical test.
During surgery, small patches of heart muscle cells were transplanted in the woman's heart, which were grown from stem cells in the laboratory. According to a paper published on Wednesday (January 29) in the Nature Journal, each of these 10 patch included about 400 million heart cells, which kept the woman stable until she found a heart transplant after three months.
According to the report of Nature News, Dr. Ingo Kutshka, a heart surgeon and co-writer of the study of the University Medical Center Gotingen in Germany, said in a press conference, “We now have a biological implants developed in the laboratory for the first time, with a heart that has a heart The ability to stabilize and strengthen the muscles. ”
Many other cell types, such as unlike skin cells, may not easily develop the heart muscle cells or if they are damaged by a heart attack -like injury, they cannot repair themselves. According to the Disease Control and Prevention Center (CDC), such damage to the heart can prevent heart rate, which affects about 6.7 million adults in the United States 20 years and above. According to the CDC report, in 2022 the US was listed as an contribution or primary cause of heart rate at more than 450,000 death certificates in the US.
According to the report of Nature News, more than half of the severe heart rate stops die within a year, until they get heart transplantation, but limited donor hearts are available. To complement these limited heart implants, scientists have used transplanting of heart muscle cells. In the new nature paper, researchers have described a method of developing heart tissue from stem cells known as induced pluripotent stem cell (IPSCs). Scientists create these stem cells by collecting normal adult cells and then re -programs in the “pluripotent” state, allowing them to develop in almost any type of cell in the body.