It is important to clean the mind, not the body, before marriage, boys and girls should talk openly on these 7 topics
News Update February 01, 2025 09:24 PM

It is important to talk openly before marriage, these tips will come

Before marriage, both partners should share their feelings, thoughts and expectations with each other.

Relationship Advice: Marriage begins a permanent and deep relationship between two persons. It creates not only an emotional, but also mental relationship. While physical and physical union is important in marriage, mental and emotional relations are equally important. Before marriage, both partners should share their feelings, thoughts and expectations with each other. This discussion not only strengthens the relationship, but also helps to understand each other's choice-dislikes, priorities, and life vision.

Therefore, both should be fully aware of each other's attitude, ideas and lifestyle, so that they can start a strong and happy life.

After marriage, the economic situation can become a big issue, so it is important to openly discuss this subject before marriage. Boy and girl should know what their monthly income is, and what kind of financial plan they want to make. Also, it is important to decide how expenses will be divided. This discussion can reduce future economic stresses and strengthen the relationship.

Every person has a special view of his career. Before marriage, both should understand each other's career and decide how they can cooperate with each other.

The boy and girl should understand what kind of relations they want to have a relationship with their families and what steps they have to take to avoid any kind of interference between families. Both should also decide how they will maintain a balance between families.

This is an important subject, which should have a clear conversation before marriage. Both should decide whether they want children in the future, then what is their opinion about children's upbringing, education, and future plans.

It is also very important to discuss health status and lifestyle. Before marriage, both should know what each other's health problems are, and what kind of lifestyle they want to adopt. These things help in maintaining harmony in the relationship.

Rites and beliefs are the foundation of the relationship. The boy and the girl should understand what kind of rites they both grew up and in their relationship in their relationship. Apart from this, it is also very important to have faith in each other. Faith is the strongest link of a relationship.

After marriage, the two need to spend time with each other, but also have importance of personal time. It is important to understand whether both will be able to take time for their personal hobbies, interests and holidays.

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