International Condom Day: Even today there are some subjects in India which are not openly discussed, and condom is one of them. Even today, people feel hesitant when buying condoms at medical stores. But this is not only a personal need, but also an important means of health and safety. Condom is not only helpful in preventing unwanted pregnancy, but is also an effective way to prevent AIDS and other sexual infectious diseases.
For this purpose, International Condom Day is celebrated every year on 13 February. Along with this, National Condom Day is made in India on 14 February. The aim of celebrating this day is to promote sexual health awareness campaign and educate people towards the use of condoms. The day was started by the AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF) in 2009, so that people understand the importance of safe sex.
International Condom Day has been kept just one day before Valentine's Day so that people give priority to security while having sex during this time. While Valentine's Day is celebrated worldwide on 14 February, on February 13, people are motivated to avoid diseases like STI and HIV.
Many people see condoms just as contraceptives, but it is also the most effective way to protect against HIV, gonorrhea, syphilis and other sexual infectious diseases (STDs). According to the World Health Organization (WHO), condom is the only means that is capable of preventing HIV, STI and unwanted pregnancy.
According to a report, about 6% of adult population in India is infected with STI. Due to lack of awareness and lack of correct information, people have unsafe sex, which increases the risk of infection. The objective of International Condom Day is to convince people that safe relationship is not only personal security, but also a social responsibility.
Even today people feel uncomfortable while buying condoms in India. Shopkeepers also try to hide it, which has made it like a taboo subject. But this mentality needs to be changed. Safe sex is the right of every person and there is a need to spread awareness openly for this.
Prevention of HIV/AIDS and other sexual infectious diseases
Help prevent unwanted pregnancy
Condom - misunderstandings