Health News: Many times after eating food, dirt accumulates in the teeth and it is not known. Then problems like pyorrhea are revealed in the teeth. When the teeth start rotting or the gums start to have pain, people run to the doctor. In such a situation, if people take care of their teeth in time, then such a situation will not arise. The best way to do this is to draw oil. This work has to be done daily. Your teeth will look shiny in a month.
Dentist Richa Mitra says that if you mix salt and lemon in mustard oil and pull oil, then your teeth will be cleaned. If you do this continuously for a month, then your teeth will remain shiny. The dirt accumulated also removes. Because, this accumulated dirt later causes many other dental diseases ranging from pyorrhea.
Dentist Richa says that oil provides very good cleaning. When salt is mixed with oil, it becomes antibacterial and is an excellent way to remove deposited dirt. When you add lemon to it, the citric acid present in it works to remove the long -standing plaque on your teeth and also gives lubrication to your teeth, so that the dirt does not accumulate quickly.
To do this, first of all you have to put a teaspoon of oil, a little salt and lemon in your mouth. Remember, “Don't have to swallow it.” Instead, after putting it in the mouth, keep moving around for about 5 to 10 minutes. You can also use your finger. Make sure this mixture reaches every tooth and then rinse your mouth. It would be better if you do this work at night.
By doing this, oral health remains good. You will not have a long time to teeth. Because, tooth problems first begin with the accumulation of dirt. If your teeth are completely clean then there will be no problem of pyorrhea or gums. Many people have problems with bad mouth, which will go away and teeth will not break before time.