Neckband Blast Lucknow: Neckband or any other gadget can take a 'monstrous form' and can cost you your life. We make some mistakes while buying a new gadget and after buying the gadget which can lead to death, recently a young man lost his life due to neckband blast in Lucknow. Let's understand which mistakes can cause a gadget blast and what things should be kept in mind to avoid it?
Neckband Blast: Why did the neckband blast?
Not only phones but any gadget can blast, this may shock you but it is absolutely true. Forgetting the phone or any other gadget after putting it on charge or buying local gadgets in order to save a little money can cost you your life. To talk without holding the phone in hand, some people use neckbands and some people use earbuds and their trend has increased a lot in the last few years.
Recently, a young man died in Lucknow due to a Neckband. The young man was talking on the phone while wearing a neckband, but suddenly the neckband exploded and the young man died a painful death. In this case, electronic technical expert Kumud Dubey says that whenever you buy any electronic gadget, you should keep in mind that you should always buy original gadgets and keep away from duplicate gadgets.
Kumud Dubey told that all gadgets have an ic which breaks the heat-up and helps in protecting any gadget from blasting. He has also told a rule which if followed can avoid such an incident and this rule is 60:16.
What is the 60:16 rule?
Electronic technical expert Kumud Dubey told that 60:16 perimeter should be used, in simple language it means that do not charge any gadget for more than 60 minutes. Apart from this, the dismeter of any gadget should not be more than 16, that is, the volume should not be more than this.
If you do not want a blast like situation to happen with you, then do not keep any gadget in your ear for more than 1 hour even by mistake. If the gadget starts generating more heat while using it, then remove the gadget immediately.
What reason for gadget blast?
Whether it is a phone or any other gadget, there is a battery in every device and when you overcharge the device, it starts affecting the battery in the device. Not only this, the battery starts overheating quickly, which can also increase the risk of blast. Not only this, next time when you buy any gadget, try to buy only the original gadget.
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