In today's time, the problem of PCOD (PCOD – polycystic ovarian disease) has become common in women. It is a hormonal disorder, in which cysts are formed in women's ovaries. This disease not only makes periods irregular but can also cause problems in pregnancy.
According to Ayurveda and gynecologists, PCOD can affect a girl or woman of any age, even from the age of 12. The good thing is that in Ayurveda it is possible to treat this disease from the root.
Ayurvedic treatment of PCOD: reaching the root of the problem
According to doctors, the main cause of PCOD is hormonal imbalance and wrong lifestyle. Allopathy is often advised women to resort to techniques such as IVF, which can make the path of motherhood difficult.
But in Ayurveda, this disease is not only treated in a natural way, but it makes the body healthy from within.
The main column of treatment in Ayurveda:
Panchakarma Therapy:
Panchakarma is an Ayurvedic process of purifying the body.
It improves hormonal balance by excluding toxins from the body.
This gradually reduces the cysts formed in the ovaries.
Balanced diet:
Ayurvedic diet includes fresh fruits, green vegetables, whole grains and fiber diets.
It is necessary to avoid fried, roasted, junk food and processed food.
Drinking hot water and spices like turmeric, fenugreek, cinnamon etc. is beneficial.
Exercise and yoga:
Regular yoga and mild physical activity helps to balance hormones.
Surya Namaskar, Bhujangasana, Kapalbhati and Pranayam are very effective in the treatment of PCOD.
Ayurvedic medicines:
Many herbs are used in Ayurveda such as Ashoka, Asparagus, Triphala, Guggul etc.
These herbs help improve the function of ovulation and regularize periods. Natural congestion possible in three months!
Ayurvedic experts believe that if a woman follows Ayurvedic treatment, right diet and yoga for 3 consecutive months, she can conceive a natural way.
The hormonal balance is restored.
Periods become regular.
The cyst of the ovary starts decreasing.
The woman's body is ready for conception.
During this time, it is necessary for women to always maintain positive mindset.
What should be kept in mind in PCOD:
what to do:
Eat fresh fruits and vegetables.
Do yoga for at least 30 minutes daily.
Do meditation to reduce stress.
Take enough sleep (7-8 hours). What not to do:
Distance away from fast food and junk food.
Do not consume more sweet things.
Leave the habit of waking up till late night.
Avoid smoking and alcohol. Important advice:
Before starting Ayurvedic treatment, consult an experienced Ayurvedic doctor.
If there are irregular bleeding, sharp pain or other serious symptoms with PCOD, contact the doctor immediately. Conclusion:
PCOD is a common problem but its solution is hidden in Ayurveda. Through the right diet, regular exercise, yoga and Ayurvedic remedies, women can not only get rid of this disease but can also get the pleasure of motherhood.
Do not ignore head pimples, symptoms of serious illness may be