Guava Benefits In Pregnancy : The time of pregnancy is the most beautiful moment in every woman's life. During this time, women have to take special country for their health. Because, lack of nutrition at such a time can affect not only the mother's health but also the growth of a child.
Therefore, women need the right diet in pregnancy, including fruits, vegetables, dry fruits and other nutritious things. However, some fruits are forbidden to eat during pregnancy, while there are some fruits that are advised to consume, and guava is also one of them.
Guava is a very nutritious fruit, which can prove beneficial for health in pregnancy. In such a situation, let us know the benefits of eating guava during pregnancy.
Benefits of eating guava during pregnancy:
Vitamin C source
Eating guava during pregnancy can be beneficial. Guava is a good source of vitamin C. Eating guava during pregnancy helps to keep your immune system strong and also helps the baby to protect against infection.
Keeping the digestive system is healthy
Women often face problems like constipation, stomach pain and gas during pregnancy. Guava is helpful in removing these problems. Fiber improves digestion, which digests food quickly and relieves problems like gas and indigestion. It keeps your intestines clean and reduces stomach inflammation.
Increases immunity
Eating guava during pregnancy strengthens immunity. As you know, guava is abundant in vitamins C, E and B, which strengthens the immunity of the body.
Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant, which gives the body the strength to fight bad illnesses. In addition, vitamin E and B also help to keep the body healthy.
Regular intake of guava increases immunity in the body during pregnancy and you are protected from various infections. Therefore, during pregnancy, women must include guava in their diet.
Ricke of anemia
Let me tell you, during pregnancy, women must include guava in their diet. Because during this time there is a deficiency of iron in women, which helps to overcome this problem. By consuming guava, you can fulfill your iron requirement, which removes blood loss and makes you feel active throughout the day.
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Controls diabetes
The problem of diabetes is also often seen in pregnancy. If you are pregnant and want to avoid diabetes, then you can consume guava. With this, type 2 diabetes can also be controlled.