Obnews Lifestyle Desk: In medical science, continuous new technologies and experiments are searching for a serious and serious illness, in many cases, doctors are also getting big achievements. Recently, the doctors of London have done a lot of amazing, treated the rare eye disease through gene therapy here.
After this treatment, the condition of children has started getting better. In fact, doctors have achieved a rare genetic disease through this new technology in the treatment of Labor Conventional Amaurosis (LCA).
Let me tell you that, to handle the treatment through this gene therapy, experts from London's Murfields Eye Hospital and UCL Institute of Opthalmology selected four children, whose age was between one to two years. These children came from America, Türkiye and Tunisia. Here doctors injected a copy of a healthy AIPL1 gene in their retina in 60 minutes through keyhole surgery. This gene was then inserted into a safe virus, which was injected into the children's retina (light-sensitive layer).
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In the further process, genes of genes were that, the collapsor cells (light feeling cells) are to help function correctly, so that the brain can understand the view correctly. No one believed this technique but this way to eliminate rare disease is good.
Let me tell you that, about the result here, the hospital expert Professor Michel Micacleids said that at present, the results through this gene therapy are very impressive and show that life can be changed with gene therapy. It has proved to be an effective treatment for the most serious blindness in childhood. Talking about the results of the children who were treated, the sight of these children has improved so much that they can now pick up small things and identify toys from far away. In the coming time, this technique will eliminate the problem of this disease.