Aadhaar Face Authentication: Now your face will be your Aadhaar card. Yes, you heard it right. Now you will not have to show your Aadhaar Card everywhere. That is, now the paperwork will end, which will make the services faster and safer. All this will be possible with Face Authentication, through which the identity will be verified. Now private companies will also be able to do Aadhaar verification so that services like banking, travel, healthcare, and e-commerce can be availed without showing ID proof.
1- Aadhaar authentication will be done by face
Now there will be no need to show an Aadhaar card or physical document for services.
Identity will be verified by Face Authentication, which will make the process faster and hassle-free.
2- Now private companies will also be able to do Aadhaar authentication
Earlier Aadhaar authentication was limited to government services only, but now this facility has been given to private companies as well. Private companies in sectors like e-commerce, travel, hospitality, healthcare, banking, and insurance will now be able to provide services with Aadhaar authentication.
3- Easy and fast services will promote 'Ease of Living'
Easy and fast services will promote 'Ease of Living'. Increasing the scope of Aadhaar authentication will make life easier for citizens. Services will now be more convenient with less paperwork, fast service, and more security.
4- Instant access to services - no delay
Now there is no need for ID proof to avail of services like travel, hotel booking, healthcare, and banking. Authentication will be completed by just showing the face in front of the camera and the service will be available immediately.
5- Prevention of confusion and fraud
The problem of fake documents or wrong identity will end because facial recognition is the safest method. Fast, accurate, and completely secure authentication will provide reliable services to citizens.
6- Easy process for the elderly and illiterate people
This will be the simplest way for the elderly and illiterate people who have difficulty handling OTP or documents. Now services can be obtained only by face scan.
7- Data will be completely safe
Face-based authentication is recognized by the government and will be completely safe. The scope of UIDAI Face Authentication is increasing rapidly. Data will not be used anywhere without consent so that privacy will be maintained.
8- Expansion of digital services with the participation of government and private sector
This amendment will strengthen the partnership between the government and private companies, which will increase innovation and digital services. Citizens will get the benefit of better, faster, and transparent services.
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