'Drink tomato juice, shine both health and eyes!' This is full of Vitamin-A
News Update February 23, 2025 01:24 AM

Health Tips: Tomato is an important part of every Indian kitchen. It is used well in the form of vegetables, salads, chutney and juice. But do you know how beneficial tomato juice can be for your health? In particular, it is not less than a boon for the eyes.

Vitamin and nutrient treasure

A cup of tomato juice can almost meet your daily vitamin C needs. The alpha and beta carotene present in it provide up to 22% vitamin A to the body, which is extremely beneficial for eyesight. Also, it contains vitamin E, flavonoids and phytosterols, which keep the body healthy.

Help in weight loss

If you are thinking of losing weight, then tomato juice is a great option for you. It is very low calorie and rich fiber, which accelerates your metabolism and controls hunger.

Detoxes the liver

The lycopene element present in tomatoes reduces the inflammation of the liver and helps to detox it. This improves the functionality of the liver and also makes the digestive system strong.

Beneficial for heart

Tomato juice for heart health is no less than any medicine. The phenolic compound and lycopene present in it reduces the poor cholesterol (LDL) and keeps the heart healthy.

Make healthy tomato juice at home

If you are planning to drink tomato juice, then instead of buying from the market, prepare it at home. Market juice can contain hidden sugars, which can be harmful for health.

Easy method of making tomato juice

Cover the chopped tomatoes in a pan on medium heat and cook.

➛ When the tomatoes become soft, turn off the gas and let it cool.

➛ After cooling, blend it and mix the required amount of water and prepare the juice.

➛ To increase taste and nutrition, add coriander, red capsicum and parsley to it.

➛ Add black pepper powder, black salt and ground cumin seeds.

➛ Garnish by adding green coriander and enjoy fresh juice.

➛ If you like light sweetness, you can mix some honey with tomatoes.

Include tomato juice in your diet

If you want to improve your health, then make tomato juice a part of your diet. It is beneficial for heart, liver and complete health along with increasing your eyesight. Then what are you waiting for? Today, take care of your health by making tomato juice!

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