Parenting Tips in Hindi: The children of Vishal (changed name) were in stress for some time. Neither these children were able to take any kind of decision nor were they obeying the parents. Showed a psychiatric doctor in the city. He came out of the children's counseling that the children were victims of overprottive parents. Doctors in the city are increasing such patients. This is happening with a different type of parenting. This parenting is overprotective parenting. If you are also doing this kind of parenting with your children, then be careful.
Over parenting is a style of upbringing. In which parents do excessive interface in children's lives. They have been hovering around their child all the time. They are all worried about all the time that their child does not happen. They are alert all the time with children and try to protect them in every way. If the child falls, he will run and lift it. That is, they do more care of children. Apart from this, such parents are over-protective about their child. They always scold and interrupt them for their safety and better future that you should not do it or do it. They do not want to leave them even with their friends or grandparents. Actually, they fear that their children do not have any problem.
In over parents, parents try to take the right decisions. To protect them from any kind of injury, to prevent them from doing any kind of innovation or new thing and trying to keep them according to you. So that you do that work as per your wish. Apart from this, if your child keeps the room dirty, then instead of teaching it cleaning it, cleaning themselves, completing his project, understanding his problems, ignoring his mistakes, not giving up any place to fail and every child To save from danger. It is a symptom of overprottive parenting. If you do all these things for your child, then you need to think about your parents.
Learning skills are not developed
If you are not allowing the child to make a mistake, then they will not get the opportunity to take lessons from mistakes. Due to which his skill will not develop.
Confidence is low
Due to your over parenting, children do not learn to take decisions by themselves. In this way, their confidence gradually decreases.
There is a shortage of decision making
If you are not allowing the child to take any decision, then the child does not have the ability to make decision making. Children of overprottive parents can also lag behind in deciding.
There is a danger of anxiety
With overprottive parents upbringing and environment, the child gradually starts having problems with anxiety.