Almost everyone is fond of planting colorful plants at home, but there are some people who do not only like planting plants with colorful flowering at home, but but various kinds of seasonal vegetables and fruits It is also good to plant saplings. Now the summer season is going to knock in a few days. Almost everyone likes the summer season, in this season people consume more and more fluids and cold things.
Due to this, lemon is used more during the summer season. But again and again, buying lemon from the market can affect the budget, because as soon as the summer season comes, the demand of lemon increases in the markets, and on seeing it, the price also starts touching the sky, so if you at home If you are thinking of planting a lemon plant, then it is a best option.
This question comes in the minds of many people, it is very easy to plant lemon plant but it is very difficult to take care of it. Many times it happens that the lemon plant gives fruits for a few days, but then after a few days the fruits are completely closed. There can be many reasons behind this. The most main reason can be these nutrient deficiency, want to get maximum lemon in the lemon plant, so keep in mind that the soil has the correct amount of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, When there is a deficiency of these nutrients in the soil, lemon does not occur. Apart from this, what else can be done, today we will tell you in this article, so let's know.
First of all, we know what is the reason why there are no fruits in the lemon plant. As we told you that the most main reason can be the lack of nutrients, apart from other reasons, then the lack of sunlight can also be the reason for the plants of the rules. Apart from this, many people plant lemon plant in small pot, if you also make this mistake, then correct it, to plant a lemon plant, there should be at least 18 inch pot, fruit in small pots is not well You can apply Lemon plant requires more water, keep in mind that the soil of the lemon plant should never be happy.
Now talk about what kind of fertilizer should be for lemon plant, so for this you do not need to spend too much money nor need to work hard. Break the dung dung small, put them in water and prepare a solution well. By doing this, all the nutrients of cow dung will dissolve in the water. Now leave it for at least 2-3 hours. In this way, a liquid fertilizer will be easily ready at home.