The relationship of sisters is very special. It is said that nothing is hidden between sisters, whether their relationship is sweet or full of arguments. By the way, if there are two daughters in the family, then often both are given the same room. This creates a strong bond between the two, but sometimes due to some reasons, there are fights. That is why your sister needs your love, affection, help, and beauty products, as well as personal space, privacy, and proper distance.
Important Dos and Don'ts for a Stronger Bond:Give space, set boundaries:
Due to globalization, today's generation is more conscious about its privacy. They want some space in every relationship. Therefore, you also have to give some space to your sister so that she can enjoy her me time. Also, avoid keeping an eye on each other and spying. This can sour the relationship between you two. So stay together, but do not dominate each other and respect the boundaries set.
Consent is important:
Make it a habit to ask your sister before using any of her clothes, bags, laptops, phones, etc. If your sister refuses, then learn to request her, and do not try to forcefully get your point across. Giving importance to each other's consent and disagreement makes your relationship beautiful.
Give importance to the schedule:
Assume that despite being real sisters, you are different from each other. It is possible that you are working and your sister is in college or school. In such a situation, there will be a difference in the routine of both of you. In such a situation, understand each other's schedule to avoid unnecessary conflict. Do not put pressure on each other to sleep and wake up early and develop mutual understanding.
Cleanliness of the room:
If both of you live in the same room, then it is the responsibility of both of you to keep the room clean. Do not fight with each other over this matter. To avoid fights, divide the days of the week between you and clean the room thoroughly when your turn comes. Avoid spreading things here and there and keep them in their right place so that no one has trouble.
If resentment increases:
If the resentment with the sister increases and she does not talk to you, then first of all, accept your mistake. Express your feelings precisely and also understand her point of view. Conversation is necessary to remove misunderstandings. If she is upset with any of your habits, then change them.
Resolve the dispute immediately:
Relationship counselor Rukaiya Jirapur says the relationship between sisters is beautiful, in which resentments also remain. It is normal to have small fights in this relationship, but keep in mind that your fights should not cause any dispute between parents. The division of responsibilities between sisters living in the same house or room should be fair so that there is no problem in living together. Before forming an opinion about any habit of your sister, talk to her. It is possible that your perception about her is wrong. Also try to resolve the disputes immediately; otherwise, the problem may increase.