In this era of the digital world, new technologies are constantly emerging. Especially, with the advent of new technology in the field of computing, people's problems are becoming easier. In this episode, the world's leading IT company Microsoft has released the world's first quantum chip 'Majorana', which is the world's first quantum chip powered by topological core architecture, about which the company hopes that this quantum computer will be able to solve industrial level problems.
Indian-origin Satya Nadella, who is the CEO of Microsoft, said that after 20 years of research, Microsoft has finally "created a completely new product. Microsoft's research and this discovery is capable of taking a big leap in the computing sector." What is quantum computing?
Qubits, the basic unit of information in quantum computing, measure 1/100 millimeters. This means that Microsoft has now paved the way for one million-qubit processors. Satya Nadella said, "Imagine a chip that fits in the palm of your hand and can solve problems that all the computers on Earth today combined cannot solve."
Microsoft said the new chip could enable quantum computers to deliver transformative, real-world solutions. Topoconductors, or topological superconductors, are a special category of product. It is used to create more stable qubits that are faster, smaller, and can be digitally controlled.
A new paper published in Nature describes how Microsoft researchers have been able to create the unique quantum properties of topological qubits.
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