Our intestines contain good bacteria, which help to digest food, absorb nutrients and strengthen immunity. But when the number of these bacteria decreases, not only digestion, but many more serious problems start in the body.
Millions of bacteria, fangs and viruses are present in the intestines, which make gut microbiomes. This is very important not only for digestion, but also for mental health and immunity. If there is a deficiency of good bacteria in the intestines, then the body starts giving many types of indications. Let us know what diseases can be caused by their deficiency.
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If hair starts falling rapidly or becomes too thin, then one of the reasons for this may be a lack of good bacteria in the intestines.
This affects the level of hydrochloric acid in the stomach, which causes hair health to deteriorate.
If your skin is having problems like dryness, itching, psoriasis, eczema or rosicia, then it may be a sign of deteriorating gut health.
Due to lack of good bacteria, a toxin called lipopolisacharide starts entering the skin, which increases the skin problems.
If you have started getting more restlessness, irritability, stress or anger, then it may be due to lack of good bacteria.
Bacteria present in the intestines help to manufacture the correct neurotransmitter (such as serotonin). When they are deficient, mental health is affected.
Lack of sleep or frequent sleep at night can also be a sign of this.
Continuous constipation, loose motion, flatulence (blotting) or gas indicate that good bacteria in the intestines have decreased.
If the digestive system does not work properly, the body does not get nutrients properly, due to which weakness and fatigue are felt.
If you are repeatedly getting flu, infection or cold, then it may also be due to lack of good bacteria.
Healthy bacteria present in the intestines make the immune system strong. When their number is reduced, it is difficult for the body to fight viruses and bacteria.
Eat firmant food (curd, pickle, kanji, idli, dhokla).
Eat food rich in fiber (fruits, vegetables, whole grains).
Include probiotics (eg kimchi, kefir, combcha) diet.
Avoid junk food, more sugar and processed food.
Regular exercise and hydrated are necessary.
If any of these signs is seen in your body, then it is very important to pay attention to your diet to improve your gut health!