Anyone who has a gas hob in their kitchen is being urged to rip it out and switch to electric even before a ban on their sale is introduced.
hobs could be banned from sale in the UK following the latest net zero advice being given to the government - but households are being urged to get rid even sooner.
The Climate Change Committee reports to the government every five years, advising on changes that can be made to hit targets on emissions reductions.
One of the recommendations in its latest report targets ovens and hobs.
It suggests that gas hobs should be 'phased out', which would see them banned from sale.
Although those who currently have one would not need to rip out their gas hob, they would need to replace them with an electric induction hob once they reached end-of-life, and repairs and replacement parts could also become more difficult.
But anyone with a hob now is being urged to get rid of them sooner due to the risk to your health.
The CCC report says: "Phase out fossil fuel household appliances and machinery. Alternatives to gas cookers and petrol or diesel-powered garden machinery are readily available. Induction hobs and battery lawnmowers are better and more efficient than their fossil fuel equivalents. Fossil fuel appliances and machinery could be easily phased out by regulations on their sale."
The Collaborative Labelling and Appliance Standards Program (CLASP) estimates that indoor air pollution from gas cooking lowers life expectancy and has been linked to illnesses such as respiratory problems and cardiovascular disease.
A study published in The International Journal of Epidemiology found that children in homes with gas stoves, rather than electric, were 42% more likely to have asthma.
On average, using a gas stove cut two years off people's life expectancy. According to another study in 2024, lead author Juana Maria Delgago-Saborit said: "Way back in 1978, we first learned that NO2 pollution is many times greater in kitchens using gas than electric cookers.
"But only now are we able to put a number on the amount of lives being cut short."
Their results line up with a study in the US in May, which found gas stoves contribute up to 19,000 adult deaths each year.