Every parent wishes that their child should write well, and bring good numbers in the exam. Some children study for a while and remember everything, while some children study hours for hours, but still, do not remember much. In such a situation, the concerns of the parents increase, they teach the child in a good school, send good coaching classes, they also keep the environment of studies at home.
But still, their children are unable to read anything special, they are unable to remember reading. But do you know that it is not only enough to give children the comforts of education, but it is also important to include such things in the diet of children, which help to speed up the baby's brain, as well as help in remembering the things read, so let's know. Do children want to do fast in their studies? (Parenting tips)
If you feel that your child's brain is weak, and you are unable to remember anything read, then you can feed him blueberries daily. By consuming blueberries daily, the child's brain increases, the ability to think increases, as well to remember everything studied.
To intensify the brain of children, give them some way to eat things like almonds, cashews, Sakharov and raisins in some way like you can use these things in any kind of dish, or give children a glass of almond sorrow every day. Consuming these things increases the brain of children.
If you want your child to remember everything read, then you should include fatty fish in their diet. For example, you can include things like salmon, mackerel and tuna in their diet. In all these things, children will get plenty of omega-3 three fatty acids, which will help in strengthening brain cells. Consumption of these things also reduces stress.