CBSE Junior Assistant and Superintendent Exam Date 2025: The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has released the exam date for the post of Superintendent and Junior Assistant. This recruitment has been released for 212 posts. Applications for CBSE Junior Assistant and Superintendent Recruitment 2025 were filled from 02 January 2025 to 31 February 2025. Candidates who have filled out this form can check the official notice by visiting the official website.
According to the official notice released, the CBAE Recruitment Exam Date for Junior Assistant, Superintendent Posts is 20 April 2025. The exam for Junior Assistant (Group-C) will be conducted in the morning shift and for Superintendent (Group-B) in the afternoon shift.
Exam Pattern
The CBSE Superintendent Tier-1 exam is an objective type OMR-based exam. In this, 150 MCQ-type questions will be asked for a total of 450 marks. The duration of the exam will be 2 hours.
3 marks will be awarded for each correct answer and 1 mark will be deducted for each wrong answer. The level of the Tier 1 exam will be Senior Secondary.
How will the selection be done?
The selection process for the recruitment of Junior Assistants and Superintendents under CBSE consists of several stages, as follows:
Tier 1 exam consists of objective type multiple choice questions.
Tier 2 exams will be conducted for Tier 2 Superintendent posts which will consist of objective type (OMR-based) and descriptive (written) exams.
After this, candidates will be called for skill tests based on the performance of the candidates in the Tier-1/Tier-2 exam. This exam is of a qualifying nature and no marks will be counted for the final merit list.
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