In summer, the car starts giving less mileage, due to which car drivers are worried that happened that the mileage will suddenly decrease as soon as summer arrives. Many people will know the answer to this question, but there will still be many people who want to know the reason why the mileage of the car starts falling as soon as summer arrives. Let us know what is the reason behind the reduction in the mileage of the car in summer.
Use of air conditioner aka AC: As soon as summer arrives, AC starts running in the car which puts more pressure on the engine. Due to AC running, the engine needs more power which affects the mileage.
Pressure on the tire starts increasing: In summer season, the temperature inside the tyre starts increasing which increases the pressure on the tyre. Mileage starts decreasing due to increased pressure on the tyre. You must have heard stories of tyre bursting in summer, not only bad tyres, the reason behind tyre bursting can also be the increase in temperature inside the tyre.
This is the reason why nitrogen should be filled in the car's tyres instead of normal air during the summer season. Nitrogen helps in keeping the temperature inside the tyre cool down so that there is not much pressure on the tyre.
This not only increases mileage but also the life of the tyre. Note that you will get normal air for free at the petrol pump but for nitrogen air you will have to pay per tyre. Usually, for the first time nitrogen is filled, 20 rupees per tyre is charged and then from the next time onwards, 10 rupees per tyre is charged for re-filling. This cost may vary at different places.
Engine overheating: In the scorching summer season, the temperature of the engine starts increasing more than normal, due to overheating of the engine, its effect starts falling on the efficiency of the engine due to which the mileage starts falling.