According to Rajiv Dixit, lime is not only a source of natural calcium, but it is capable of treating more than 80 diseases. This cheap and easily available remedy not only removes physical weakness, but also makes mental health strong. Consumption of lime not only increases the strength of bones, but it also develops the length and intellect of children.
Lime is the most effective remedy for jaundice (jondis). Jaundice is cured in a few days by drinking lime mixed with lime sugarcane juice equal to wheat grain. In addition, it is also a boon for men with impotence or sperm deficiency. Drinking lime with sugarcane juice increases the number of sperm and improves fertility.
Lime is a natural remedy to increase the length of young children. Mixing yogurt, lentils or water in water not only strengthens bones, but also increases memory power. Feeding lime to children with mental or slow intellect improves their mental capacity.
Lime completes calcium deficiency during pregnancy. Drinking lime mixed with pomegranate juice benefits both mother and child. It helps in normal delivery, makes the child healthy, and intensifies his intellect.
Lime cures knee, waist and shoulder pain. It is also effective in serious diseases like spondylitis. The strength to connect the broken bones is in the lime. Eating lime on an empty stomach in the morning increases the strength of bones.
Drinking lime water in the mouth provides instant relief when there is cold water or blisters. Lime is also helpful in the problem of weak teeth or moving. It is also a natural remedy to cure diseases of nails.
Lime should be mixed with curd, lentils or water. It is sufficient to take lime (about 1-2 grams) equal to wheat grain. Drinking lime in pomegranate juice is particularly beneficial for pregnant women.
In the case of jaundice or impotence, drinking lime mixed with sugarcane juice provides quick relief. Lime can also be taken with orange juice or pomegranate juice.
Lime should be consumed for at least 3-4 months. This removes calcium deficiency in the body and cures more than 70 diseases.
People who complain of Makra (kidney stone) should not eat lime. This may further increase their problem.
Lime is made of one rupee stone, which lasts for 2-4 years. Store it by dissolving it in water and use as required.