These days, the inclination of youth toward government jobs is increasing in the country, every day government jobs are coming out in some department or the other. There is a written exam and then an interview for government jobs like UPSC, SSC, State Civil Service Exam, Police Recruitment, and Teacher Recruitment. After this, selection takes place. Only after hard preparation, the dream of candidates to get a government job come true.
Many types of questions also come into the mind of the youth regarding government jobs, the biggest question of which is that if the name of a candidate has appeared in an FIR lodged by someone with the police, will he get a government job? Let us try to know the answer to this question in this news.
If you are preparing for a government job and there is a police complaint against you or a case is going on or there is a criminal record against you, then whether you will get a government job or not depends on many facts and rules. This decision is taken keeping in mind the situation, nature of crime, and job rules. However, if you are preparing for a government job, then it is better to keep away from any kind of dispute and criminal cases.
How does it affect government jobs?
Police verification is done before an appointment in government jobs. By doing this process, the criminal record of the candidate is known. If you have any kind of criminal record in your name, any case is registered, a case is going on in the court in any matter or you have been convicted, then it can affect your chances of getting a government job.
The nature of the crimes is also seen, such as minor crimes including minor clashes, breaking traffic rules, settling the matter by paying a fine… there is a possibility of getting a job in such crimes. However, if the crime is serious like murder, robbery, rape, fraud, or corruption, then you are disqualified from a government job.
What is the provision if the case is in court
If there is an FIR in your name and the case is going on in the court, then in such a situation you can get a job in some departments. But there is a clear rule in your offer letter that the court's decision should be in your favor. In the second case, if you have been acquitted in any case, then you have to prove that now your record is clean, then on this basis, you can get the job.
In some cases, after completing the sentence, the candidates can get an exemption and they can apply again. At the time of applying for a job, if you are asked about your criminal record, then always tell the truth. Giving wrong information can also lead to losing the job later.
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