If you have not yet applied for the recruitment for more than 32 thousand posts in the railways, then hurry up, lest the opportunity slip away. Actually, the Railway Recruitment Board will close the registration process for RRB Level 1 Recruitment 2025 on March 1, 2025 i.e. today. Candidates who want to apply for this recruitment can apply through the official regional websites of RRB. After the last date for submission of online application, the last date for payment of application fee is March 3, 2025, while the amendment window will open on March 4 and close on March 13, 2025.
The application fee for general category candidates is Rs 500. Out of this fee of Rs 500, Rs 400 will be refunded after deducting the applicable bank charges on appearing in the examination (CBT). At the same time, the application fee for PwBD, women, transgender, ex-servicemen candidates and candidates belonging to SC/ST/minority community/economically backward class (EBC) is Rs 250 and this fee will also be refunded after deducting the bank charges on appearing in the CBT. The fee has to be paid in online mode through internet banking, debit/credit card and UPI etc.
A total of 32438 posts will be filled in the railways under this recruitment drive. The selection process for this recruitment includes four stages, computer based test, physical efficiency test, document verification and medical test. 100 questions will be asked in the written exam and the duration of the exam will be 90 minutes. There will also be negative marking i.e. 1/3 marks will be deducted for each wrong answer. If we talk about the minimum percentage of marks category wise for shortlisting, it is 40 percent for general category, 40 percent for EWS, 30 percent for OBC (non-creamy layer), 30 percent for SC and ST.