After the WhatsApp Voice Message Transcript feature, now crores of users using WhatsApp are going to get another new feature soon. The company keeps adding new features to the app from time to time for the convenience of the users. Along with upgrading its payment system, the company is preparing to add the UPI Lite feature to the app for the convenience of you people soon. After the addition of the WhatsApp UPI Lite feature to the app, this new feature will compete with apps like Google Pay, Paytm, and PhonePe.
The UPI Lite feature has been seen in WhatsApp beta version v2.25.5.17, one thing is clear from this this feature is in the development stage. At present, it is not known when the stable update of this feature will be rolled out for the users. The thing to note is that the UPI Lite feature will be supported only on your primary device and not on the linked device.
What is UPI Lite
If you do not know what UPI Lite is? So let us first give you information about this. With the help of UPI Lite, transactions become fast and easy and it has been designed by NPCI for small transactions. A real-time banking system is not required while using this feature.
WhatsApp Upcoming Features 2025: This new feature is going to be added.
Apart from UPI Lite, it is also being said that for the convenience of the users, facilities like bill payment features and mobile recharge will also be added to the app. If this happens, then these new features of WhatsApp will prove to be a game changer for the company because, in a single app, users will get many services like chat, payment, bill payment facility, and mobile recharge.
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