Powerful energies are at play on Monday, March 3, 2025! After all, it’s a wonderful day with an important astrology transit: Mercury is entering Aries, leading to great horoscopes for five zodiac signs.
Pisces, Taurus, Sagittarius, Aries, and Leo are at the top of the list. But the rest will thrive when they are courageous and bold, too. With Mercury in Aries, be prepared for some groundbreaking ideas that seem to have no takers. It can feel like a bummer, but that’s the thing with Aries’ energy. It expects you to be the pioneer that others can follow.
But that’s the best thing about it, too. When you lead or carve the path, your competition is only you. How will you channel this energy into your day to maximize your goals?
The Moon in Taurus is a cautionary force pushing balance with steadiness and emotional intelligence in everything we do. That way, your actions will be ground-breaking and full of positive growth — with solid principles backing them up. And that includes building better communities and protecting diversity (like in natural ecosystems).
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Best zodiac sign compatibility for Pisces: Cancer
Best time of the day for Pisces: 8 a.m.
Pisces, be still in the morning right after you wake up to start the day more mindfully. With the Sun in Pisces and Venus in Aries in your corner, this will help you do what you need to, embrace new opportunities, and seek out fun in equal measure.
If possible, end the day with some lighthearted disco music and dance to your heart’s content! Whether solo or with your family and friends, whether in your house or outside, the point is to make the most of what life offers.
: The One-Card Tarot Horoscope Has A Message For Your Zodiac Sign On March 3, 2025
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Best zodiac sign compatibility for Taurus: Scorpio
Best time of the day for Taurus: 7 p.m.
Taurus, take it easy today, even if you feel stress building within you. With Saturn in Pisces here for you, a steady approach will prevent a waste of effort and help you channel your best in the important areas.
You will also thrive by embracing the diversity in the world through community activities. Working with children is also recommended to raise the next generation with positive principles while bringing out-of-the-box thinking into the mix that most children excel at.
: What Your Zodiac Sign Needs To Know About The First Week Of March, According To A Tarot Reader
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Best zodiac sign compatibility for Sagittarius: Aries
Best time of the day for Sagittarius: 7 p.m.
Sagittarius, trust yourself in all your projects and activities. With Neptune in Pisces working behind the scenes for you, amazing results await if you can block out judgmental words from those who don’t know what you are attempting and go all in on your creative vision. It’s time to take charge of your life path.
Also, end the day on a positive note with some relaxing activities. Maybe play with some cloud slime or paint with watercolors.
: 2 Zodiac Signs Experience Incredible Luck & Abundance On March 3, 2025
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Best zodiac sign compatibility for Aries: Leo
Best time of the day for Aries: 8 a.m.
Aries, start something new that will steadily unfold with Saturn in Pisces working behind the scenes. Challenges won’t be obstacles but stepping stones to success.
Bring some fresh energy into your home by decorating the space with paper crafts, flowers, or even crystal sculptures.
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Best zodiac sign compatibility for Leo: Leo
Best time of the day for Leo: 9 a.m.
Leo, discover what you can do by refusing to stay in your comfort zone. Whether this is at work, at home, in a romantic relationship, or elsewhere, every effort will lead to positive (and surprising) results.
If you can, sing to yourself in the latter half of the day to bring out your soul song. The right lyrics and the songs that resonate with you will help you do this.
: 3 Zodiac Signs Are The Universe’s Favorites On March 3, 2025
Valeria Black is a Tarot Reader, astrologer and YouTuber with expertise in charm-casting, runes, and all things magic. She writes about astrology, tarot and spirituality.