Most Tough Exam: There are many exams all over the world. There are many exams including college entrance exam, medical, and engineering entrance exam. But do you know that some exams are considered to be one of the most difficult exams? There are very few people who pass these exams, and those who pass the exam once, their life is set. So let's know about these difficult exams.
America College Exam
To get admission to American colleges, one has to take the Graduate Record Examination (JRI) exam. This exam is considered to be the most difficult exam in the world. GRI is taken as an entrance exam for admission to most colleges in America.
This exam of China
Gaokao is the national entrance exam of China. This exam is given to get admission to higher education. This exam is considered to be very difficult. The Gaokao Exam is conducted for two days every year.
UPSC Exam of India
The Civil Services Exam conducted by the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) is considered to be one of the most difficult exams. This exam is conducted in three stages, which include prelims, mains, and interview rounds. Its syllabus is quite large. Only a thousand out of lakhs can clear this exam.
Mensa IQ Exam
The Mensa test is to test your IQ. This exam is considered to be very difficult. Its purpose is to create a non-profit society for candidates who score more than 98 percent on the IQ test.
JEE Mains Exam
JEE Mains exam is conducted by NTA to pursue engineering courses. After passing this exam, students are admission in IIT. This exam is also considered to be very difficult in India.
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