20 Wives, 104 Children, 144 Grandchildren, 0 Disputes: This Man's Family Is A Village In Itself
news18 March 03, 2025 05:53 PM

Nowadays, managing one spouse and two children is considered a big responsibility, but some people are courageous enough to marry 20 times. You might wonder how someone can handle such a large family, but a man in Tanzania can marry 20 women.

Currently, he lives with 16 of his wives under one roof, and they coexist like sisters. Four other wives have passed away.

This huge family lives together harmoniously in a small village with no animosity between them.

Married At His Father’s Request

According to a report by Oddity Central, a man named Mzee Ernesto Muinuchi Kapinga, from a small village in Tanzania, built such a unique household that he became famous worldwide. The African man currently has 16 wives, 104 children, and 144 grandchildren.

His household functions more like a village, where food is prepared in bulk, resembling a continuous feast.

Kapinga had his first marriage in 1961 and had a child. His father encouraged him to expand the family and even offered dowry money for further marriages.

Married To Seven Real Sisters

Kapinga’s father financed five of his marriages, but he arranged the remaining ones himself. Although some of his wives have passed away, 16 of the 20 remain with him, including seven who are sisters.

They claim they married Kapinga because of his good reputation. Each wife has her own house and cooks separately, but they farm, work, and eat together. Rather than just a home, this setup operates as a well-organised system.

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