If you do not pay your credit card bill, banks cannot threaten you, know your rights.
Siddhi Jain March 03, 2025 06:15 PM

Credit Card Tips: In today's era, the way people use ATM cards, in the same way credit cards are also being used. Now if people want to buy something and even if they do not have money in their account, they can buy something very easily using a credit card. Things worth lakhs can be bought by making an EMI of thousands. If you purchase with a credit card, you may not have to pay the money first but you have to pay the money later. When the credit card bill is generated.

Many times many charges are also added to it. Those also have to be paid. Many people are not able to pay the credit card bill on time. They fear that now they will be harassed by the bank, but let us tell you that if you are not able to pay the credit card bill. So the bank cannot harass you or threaten you. Let us tell you what are your rights in such a situation.

What will happen if you do not pay the credit card bill?

Credit card has become a necessity for every person in today's era. With this, people are able to buy expensive things very easily. But if the credit card bill is paid on time, then in such a situation you can get into trouble. Your CIBIL score can be affected. Due to which your chances of getting a loan in future can be very less. It may be difficult for you to get a credit card from another bank. If the bank complains against you, then you may also have to go to court.

The bank cannot threaten you.

Even though you may have to face problems for not paying the credit card bill. But the bank people cannot threaten you. The bank people can send recovery agents. But they can harass you physically or mentally in any way. Neither can any employee of the bank or recovery agent threaten you regarding any kind of bill payment, doing so is against the law.

Customers have these rights.

If you are unable to pay your entire credit card bill, then you can pay the minimum due amount. But if you are unable to do even this, then you should call the bank's customer care. You can ask for some time, which will give you more time to make the payment. If your bill is very high, then you can also make an installment of it. If any bank official or loan recovery agent threatens you in any way, then you can complain about him to the police.

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