Personal Loan: People taking personal loans should be careful, do not make these 5 mistakes while taking a loan.
Shikha Saxena March 03, 2025 08:15 PM

It is often believed that doing any work by taking a loan can put you under financial pressure, but a personal loan can prove to be better in many ways. In such a situation, if you are also preparing to take a personal loan, then today we are going to tell you about the important things that you should keep in mind before taking a personal loan.

If you do not consider the repayment capacity (Apply for personal loan)

Before applying for a personal loan, make sure that you can repay it. Use a simple EMI calculator to decide how much amount you are comfortable taking a Personal Loan for and will be able to repay on time.

Are you not contacting too many banks?

Every time you contact a personal loan provider, an inquiry is made to you and it is recorded in your credit report. With every inquiry, your credit score decreases. This translates into higher interest rates or higher rejection rates on the Personal Loan offered.

Longer tenure options with a lower EMI will be costly.

The longer the repayment tenure, the higher the amount you will pay. So try your best to choose a shorter tenure so that you do not have to repay a large amount. You can decide for yourself how quickly you will be able to repay.

Not giving information about existing loan details.

You are applying for a personal loan, but did you give the details of your existing loan to the bank? If not, then you are making a mistake. Because the loan amount will depend on your commitment towards other existing liabilities. If you try to hide these details, then the Personal Loan may get rejected or you will have to take a loan at a very high interest rate.

Not paying attention to the term conditions.

If you are taking a personal loan, then read the terms and conditions carefully and understand them well before contacting the bank. If you do not do this, then later you may have to pay more charges and interest.

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