Get immediate relief and long rest with these 5 home remedies
News Update March 04, 2025 01:24 AM

Piles or piles is a problem that can affect a person of any age. It is caused by inflammation of the veins around the anus placenta or the rectum. Although this is a common problem, the problem can be quite painful. But there is nothing to worry about, because some simple habits and home remedies can not only get relief from piles, but can also remove it for life.

Water is the basis of life

The first and most important way to avoid hemorrhoids is to drink sufficient amount of water. Drinking at least 8-10 glasses of water daily keeps your body hydrated and makes easily in bowel movements. Drinking water removes constipation problem, which is a major cause of hemorrhoids. Remember, water is not only necessary for quenching thirst, but also to stay healthy.

Fiber: Your best friend

Including fiber -rich foods in your diet is the second most effective way to avoid piles. Fruits, vegetables, whole grains and pulses are excellent sources of fiber. The fiber makes the stool soft and easily eliminable, which has to put less emphasis during stool movements. Eat fruits like apple, pear, and chiku with peels. Oats, brown rice and wheat bran are also rich in fiber.

Exercise: mantra of healthy life

Regular exercise is not only beneficial for your overall health, but is also helpful in avoiding piles. A 30 -minute light workout daily, such as a walk, yoga or swimming, improves blood circulation and improves digestion. Exercise also controls weight, which reduces the risk of hemorrhoids. Remember, a healthy mind is inhabited by a healthy body.

Toilet habits: small precautions, big advantage

The time and habits spent in the toilet are directly to hemorrhoids. Do not sit for a long time while defecating and do not force. Avoid carrying a mobile phone or book in the toilet, as you spend more time there. Instead, when you feel that you need defecation, then go and settled quickly. Keep the anal area clean and dry after defecation.

Stress Management: Cool mind, healthy body

Stress and anxiety can also cause hemorrhoids. Stress leads to many hormonal changes in the body that affect digestion and can cause constipation problems. Stress can be reduced by adopting regular attention, yoga, deep breathing technique or any hobby. Remember, maintaining balance in life is very important for health.

Home Remedies: Blessing of Nature

Some home remedies can also be very effective in relieving piles. Citz bath, in which you sit in lukewarm water for 10–15 minutes, can reduce piles pain and inflammation. Applying coconut oil or aloe vera gel can also provide relief. Consuming isabgol is also beneficial. Drinking 1-2 teaspoons of isabgol in a glass of lukewarm water removes constipation and reduces the symptoms of piles.

Caution in catering: Health with taste

To avoid piles, it is necessary to pay special attention to your diet. Avoid fried and spicy foods as they can stimulate the digestive system. Instead, eat light and nutritious food. Probiotic foods like yogurt improve digestion. Limit alcohol and caffeine intake as they can dehydrate the body.

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