Best Oil For Body Pain : There was a time when joint pain is considered to be the problem of the elderly. But, at present, people of all ages are troubled by this. This pain is not only engulfed by the elderly, but also the youth. People resort to painkiller to get rid of joint pain, but their side effects are also no less.
In such a situation, people consider natural and home remedies to be better. For centuries, mustard oil present in our kitchen has been considered a panacea for joint pain. In such a situation, today we are going to tell. How mustard oil is beneficial in joint pain and how to use it.
Benefits of mustard oil:
Ramban for joint pain
For centuries, mustard oil in our kitchen has been considered a panacea for joint pain. Mustard oil is hot. When you apply it on paint joints and massage it, it produces heat. This heat relaxes the muscles and reduces stiffness. It also improves blood circulation, which reduces pain.
Blood circulation improves
Mustard oil also increases blood circulation, which helps to meet nutrients and oxygen deficiency in joints. This can help maintain joint health and reduce pain.
Reduces inflammation
Mustard oil rich in anti-inflammatory properties helps reduce inflammation of joints. It contains omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids that reduce inflammation.
Nutrition of joints
Malis with mustard oil provides nourishment to the joints. It contains vitamin E and other important nutrients which are beneficial for keeping the joints healthy.
How to use mustard oil:
Mustard oil massage
Massage the joints by heating mustard oil lightly. Massage increases blood circulation and reduces pain.
Garlic in mustard oil
Put 1-2 garlic buds in mustard oil and heat it. Then cool this oil and massage the joints. Garlic has anti-inflammatory properties, which reduce pain and inflammation.
Mustard oil turmeric
Mix turmeric powder in mustard oil and heat it. Then cool this oil and massage the joints. Turmeric contains an element called curcumin, which helps in reducing pain and inflammation.