The good height of children not only enhances their personality, but also increases their confidence. However, the height growth depends largely on genetics (heredity), but it can be improved by correct catering and exercise. Many times it happens that the child's height stops at a young age, which makes the parents upset.
If the right nutrition is taken care of, then the height of children can be increased naturally. For this, some special juices should be included in the diet, which provide the necessary nutrients to the body and help in the growth of bones. Let's know some such juices, which can prove to be effective in increasing the length of children.
Carrot juice is considered extremely beneficial for children's growth. It contains vitamins A, C, K, fiber, potassium, phosphorus and antioxidants, which help in the growth of the body.
It changes vitamin A in the body into beta-carotene, which helps in the strength of bones.
Regular intake develops bones rapidly and height growth improves.
It also helps in increasing eyesight and strengthening immunity.
How to drink: Drink a glass of carrot juice daily or include it in salads and vegetables.
Guava is superfood not only in taste, but also in nutrition. It is found in plenty of vitamins C, calcium, iron, magnesium, vitamin D, B6 and B12, which help to strengthen bones.
It removes stomach problems, causing proper absorption of nutrition.
Calcium and iron required for the strength of bones are present in plenty.
It helps in the entire physical development of children.