BPL Ration Card : It is indeed a relief news for the ration card holders of Jharkhand that the state government has extended the last date for eKYC to March 31. Earlier this date was 28 February, but now more time has been given so that more and more people can complete their eKYC process.
Ration card holders can contact their nearest PDS shop or dealer to get eKYC done. If anyone faces any problem, they can also seek help from their district supply office. The purpose of this process is to make ration distribution transparent and convenient.
The important thing is that if any ration card holder does not get eKYC done by March 31, then their name will be removed from the ration card and they will be deprived of food grain distribution. Apart from this, if a beneficiary is living in another state, he will not need to return to his home state. They can complete the eKYC process by going to the nearest Public Distribution System (PDS) shop from there, so that there will be no interruption in their convenience.
More than 2.63 crore members of more than 61 lakh families in Jharkhand have to get eKYC done, so that the ration distribution system can be made more systematic and effective.
eKYC (Electronic Know Your Customer) is very important for ration card holders, as many important benefits are ensured through it:
1. Verification of Identity: Through eKYC, the identity of the ration card holders is verified by matching it with Aadhaar data. This ensures that the person who is availing the ration is the real and eligible beneficiary. This can eliminate fake or bogus ration card holders.
2. Elimination of fake ration cards: This is an important process to eliminate fake ration card holders. Many times some people take advantage of ration by misusing the original documents, which can be caught through eKYC and their cards can be cancelled.
3. Priority to eligible beneficiaries: eKYC will provide ration only to those who are truly eligible. To get the benefit through this process, the eligibility condition has to be fulfilled, so that food grains can reach only the real needy through the Public Distribution System (PDS).
4. Matching with Aadhaar data: Under the eKYC process, every ration card holder has to verify his/her name, date of birth and other personal details by matching them with Aadhaar data. This ensures that each individual's information is correct and up-to-date.
Thus, eKYC not only brings transparency in ration distribution, but it also reduces corruption and fraud. Also, it ensures that only genuine and needy people can avail the benefits of government schemes.