Seasonal flu: The weather is changing rapidly these days. Sometimes it is very hot and sometimes it rains. In such a situation, people are facing many health problems. Actually, problems like cold, cough and fever become common as the weather changes. People whose immune system is weak has the most problems.
The risk of seasonal flu is particularly high to children, the elderly and already suffering from any disease. Let us tell you that as soon as the weather changes, many types of bacteria and viruses become more active. Due to this, the infection starts spreading rapidly. To avoid this, it is important to keep your immune system strong. Pay more attention to your diet and adopt a healthy lifestyle.
Take care of cleanliness
You should do yoga regularly. Maintain cleanliness inside and around the house. Try to get a full eight hours of sleep. It is also important to drink enough water and consult a doctor from time to time. Let us know what simple ways you can take care of your health and stay safe from flu.
Keep yourself safe
- The best way to reduce the risk of seasonal flu and its potential serious complications is to get vaccinated every year. Avoid going close to those who are already ill. Keep a proper distance. Must wear masks.
- If you want to protect yourself from infection, then use masks. Additionally, drink hot water and rinse with lukewarm water. Taking steam can also be a good option. Which gives relief from cold and cough.
- If you feel ill, avoid taking antibiotics yourself. You should immediately contact the doctor and take medicine on their advice. You can also strengthen your immune system by exercising daily and following the appropriate routine.
- To avoid the virus in any way, it is necessary to keep your hands clean. In such a situation, washing hands again and again will help you to avoid germs. If soap and water are not available, use alcohol -based hand sanitizer.
- Disease -causing germs spread when a person touches something contaminated with germs and then touches his eye, nose or mouth. In such a situation, avoid touching your eye, nose or mouth again and again.
-To prevent seasonal flu, it is necessary to clean and disinfect the surfaces to be repeatedly touched in home, office or school-college. Get 8 hours of sleep. Be physically active. Do not take stress.