World’s Biggest Scary Cave : There are more than one thing in the world, which is unique in itself. Such a thing surprises people. There is definitely some reason behind everything. Today we will tell you about the world's largest cave. You will be surprised to know that there is also a mysterious world inside this cave, which is beyond confidence. The way, depth and unseen views here will surprise you. It is considered the world's largest miraculous cave.
In today's article, we will tell you about the cave, which is so huge that a different world is inhabited inside it. The secret here is quite different. Not everyone is allowed to go here.
Actually, the name of this cave is Son Dung Cave which is situated on the border of Vietnam and Laos. There is also Fong Nahke Bang National Park, which is 9 km long. Thus it is one of the largest caves in the world. It has a small village inhabited, named Dung. This cave has been named based on this name.
According to media reports, Ho Khan, a farmer living here, found this cave in 1991, but he forgot it. Then in 2009, the British Cave Research Association discovered it again, which everyone was surprised to see. Inside this cave is 80 meters high lime stalagmites. Many big pearls are found in this mysterious cave, which are made of water and lime. Talking about length and width, it is 150 meters wide and 200 meters high and is 9 kilometers long. In which an entire city or airplane can also be absorbed.
According to media reports, there is also a different world in it. It rains here, there is a forest, the river flows. Due to which a separate climate has been created here. It was opened by the Vietnam government in 2013, where only selected tourists are allowed to go. That too for only four days .. Oxalic adventure company handles everything from permits to guides, so that tourists do not have any kind of loss. This magical world is a precious treasure of natural.