Becoming a new parent can be an overwhelming lifestyle change, but equally as jarring, but not often spoken about, is going from the parent of just one child to juggling two. While it may not seem like much, considering you’ve already experienced parenthood, the changing dynamics can be quite stressful.
That was the case for a dad named Ericwho became quite emotional describing life during this transition period of now having two kids instead of one.
“No one talks about this when you have two kids,” Eric began in his TikTok video. “I’m not really sure how people go about handling the transition from one to two kids. I feel like it’s really hard in so many different ways.”
Eric explained that his oldest son was having a hard time being a big brother, something he noticed while taking his firstborn out for a walk with his newborn.
His eldest pleaded with his dad for the walk to just be the two of them and not the baby. Eric recalled his son saying that he was his “best friend” and he just wanted to hang out with him. “The first night he slept in his own bed and just kept waking up, like, silently crying to himself. And I was like, ‘What’s wrong?'” Eric continued. “He’s like, ‘I just want someone to snuggle me.’ And so I’ve spent the last two nights in his tiny little bed that’s three feet long.”
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He explained that because his oldest son is feeling stressed and needs his attention, he’s tried to give it to him. However, every time he leaves his newborn to spend time with his son, he feels as if he’s missing out on critical moments with the baby, too. He claimed that it’s just been an incredibly rough transition for him, and he knows it’s been hard on his wife as well.
“We’re figuring it out. So, if you have any tips, I’d love to hear,” Eric concluded. Fortunately, Eric and his wife are not the only parents who have struggled with the change from one to two kids.
In a study published in the Journal Demographyresearchers found a correlation between the number of children parents have and the decline of their late-life cognition. “We found evidence that the negative cognitive effect of having three or more versus two children was largest in Northern Europe relative to the other European regions. Although standards of living in the Nordic countries are very high, so are costs. Estimates based on purchasing power parities suggest that the prices of goods and services are up to three times higher in the Nordic than in other European countries,” researchers wrote.
This study highlights a rise in burnout amongst parents, especially with childcare costs being exponentially high. The good news though is that parents can hopefully feel less alone knowing that it’s quite common to feel as if your mental health is declining with the more kids you have.
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Ask any parent with more than one child and they’ll likely confirm Eric’s plight, but hearing it in a young father is still refreshing. Dads today are willing to be vulnerable and open about their parenting struggles in a way that older generations never would. Most of the time, it’s mothers who are tearing up and detailing how much they’re struggling to balance the demands of motherhood while also trying to keep their sanity.
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Licensed clinical psychologist Cara Goodwin, Ph. D., writing for Psychology Today explained that a second child is a major life change and requires parents to make certain adjustments. She suggested seeking support from others, even if it was just a shoulder to cry on.
Goodwin also encouraged parents to build their confidence as caretakers and practice self-compassion because, at the end of the day, it’s clear that parents, including Eric and his wife, are simply trying their best. And while it may not be perfect, it’s enough.
Hopefully, Eric’s video and vulnerability can create a space where dads feel comfortable opening up about how they’re dealing with fatherhood.
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Nia Tipton is a staff writer with a bachelor’s degree in creative writing and journalism who covers news and lifestyle topics that focus on psychology, relationships, and the human experience.