More than 100 million people in India suffer from type 2 diabetes. But the big thing is that more than half of the people do not know that they have diabetes. Diabetes is a disease that gradually weakens the body. The kidneys are first affected in this, but after this the heart, liver and eyes also affect. Diabetes usually occurs only after the age of 25-30, but doctors say that now it has started happening in children since the age of 15. Dr. M Wali, Senior Consultant of the Department of Medicine of Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, says that till now most of diabetes cases have been of type 1 diabetes, but now the risk of type 2 diabetes is also increasing among children under 15 years of age. Diabetes at an early age can affect the quality of life. That is, there is some problem throughout life.
Lakshna appears in children
Dr. M. Wali says that the risk of diabetes at a young age has also increased due to increasing cases of obesity in children. In such a situation, if the child is a victim of obesity, then he must check the diabetes. Type 2 diabetes develops very slowly in children, which is why no specific symptoms appear in the early stages. Many times it is also detected during routine checkup. If the baby's blood sugar level is often high, then it becomes important to pay attention to some problems caused by it. If the child is feeling thirsty again and again, is repeatedly urination, without doing anything, you are often feeling tired or starting to appear blurred, then such symptoms should not be ignored at all. Sudden weight loss or frequent infection can also be a sign of diabetes.
Which child is at greater risk of diabetes
Children who are thicker have a high risk of diabetes. In addition, if any of the parents are already suffering from diabetes, this risk increases manifold. In the initial stages, the symptoms of diabetes are not very clear in children, so the vigilance of parents plays a very important role. Dr. Wali says that if the family has a history of chronic diseases with overweight and the lifestyle and food of children is not healthy, then the risk of diabetes and heart disease may increase manifold before the age of 20.
How to stop diabetes in children?
Endocrinologist Dr. Sunil Mishra says that children themselves do not know that they have diabetes. In such a situation, if any of the parents have diabetes, then you should take special care of this. Wrong food habits and low exercise are the main cause of diabetes in children. Therefore, get used to eating healthy food in children. Feed them green vegetables and salads in some form or the other every day. Avoid pizza, burgers, junk food, fast food and packaged food. Inspire the child to play the game.