Your Birthday Reveals Exactly How You’ll Achieve Financial Abundance
News Update March 07, 2025 11:24 AM

These days, we’re all looking for ways to earn an extra buck or stretch our income, but what if the path to financial success has been right under our noses the entire time? A numerologist says that’s pretty much the case, and all it takes is a bit of quick math to find your way.

Numerology says your birthday reveals exactly how you will achieve financial abundance.

Numerology is an ancient practice with roots in the dawn of civilization, stretching back to the Babylonians, Greeks and Hebrews of antiquity. It has since become a common part of spiritual disciplines as distinct as astrology and Kaballah. The basic gist? Numbers are a sort of code, and when you crack it, they can provide deep insight into our lives and our futures.

That includes, among myriad other things, our finances, and as professional numerologist Elisabeta Martin recently shared in a series of videosknowing the numerological money path hiding in your birthdate can have a major impact.

To calculate your “money number” or “money code,” simply take all the numerals in your birthday, add them together, and then continue adding those together until you get a single digit between 1 and 9. So if your birthday was May 15, you would add 5+1+5, which would equal 11. 1+1 is 2, so your money number would be 2.

This code “offers valuable insights into creating the strategy to maximize your profits,” Martin explained. It also helps you understand the “energy which is governing your financial sphere in this lifetime.” Carrying a corresponding talisman can attract even more abundance. So add up those digits and let’s get you rich! (Maybe… we make no guarantees, you’ll have to take that up with the gods!)

: Your Birth Month Reveals Exactly When You’ll Achieve Financial Success, Says A Numerology Expert

Money code 1


Martin said for those with a money code of 1, it’s all about saving and investing. “Avoid careless spending,” she advised, and “big risks” like gambling or get-rich-quick schemes are something to stay away from. As for a talisman, a $1 coin is a good thing to have rolling around in your pockets as often as possible.

Money code 2

money code 2 YourTango

You lucky dog, you! Money comes easy to people with this code, and 2s are naturally suited to business success. However, Martin said this also makes you an emotional spender, “which means your finances fluctuate with your moods” — and that can quickly cause problems. So learning good money management skills is crucial. For a talisman, carry or wear a horseshoe charm, keychain, earrings, etc.

Money code 3

money code 3 YourTango

You’re also well suited to success in the business world, and you’re an expert saver and a savvy investor. Financial success and stability come easy to you, Martin said, because you’re very wise about money and take a prudent approach that allows you to “progress steadily and positively.”

“Luck is always on your side,” she added, especially if you carry the right talisman, a toad. (As in a figurine, not an actual toad.)

: 5 Signs The Universe Sends When Your Abundance Era Is About To Begin, According To A Psychotherapist

Money code 4

money code 4 YourTango

Have you ever wanted to marry for money? If not, you should consider it, because Martin said this is your path to riches. “You are worthy of prosperity and wealth,” she said, but to access it, you have to walk down the aisle.

Don’t worry, though! You can fake it if you’re single by wearing your talisman, which is a ring. Avoiding “dwelling on negativity” and having confidence will help too.

Money code 5

money code 5 YourTango

Organization is key to your success if you have this money code. Martin said to pay real attention to “planning and diligence,” because careful management is crucial for 5s to achieve financial success. This includes picking and choosing where to put your energy in life in general — focus on what matters, not “unnecessary things.” As for a talisman, Martin said to carry a nickel at all times.

Money code 6

money code 6 YourTango

For 6s, the money code is far more about physical well being than financial practices. “You’ll attract more wealth if you feel comfortable and stay healthy,” Martin said, and she urged 6s to take care of both your mind and body and trust your intuition.”

This is also one of the few money codes for whom the talisman is not an object. “Your family is your lucky charm,” Martin said, explaining that strong relationships of love and companionship are what brings financial abundance to 6s.

Money code 7

money code 7 YourTango

For 7s, the most important thing, Martin said, is to avoid addictions of any kind — especially gambling. “They drive money away,” she said. So be careful about both borrowing and loaning more than you can afford. Like 6s, your talisman is also someone in your life, “a wise person who can guide you in saving money,” she said.

Money code 8

money code 8 YourTango

Since 8 is the sign of infinity, money is always circulating around these types, Martin said. “Income will replace expenses,” but saving can be a challenge for 8s, so “money will keep flowing in and out of your life.” (Full disclosure: I am an 8 and this is so spot-on my mouth is hanging open.) Eights should strive for balance in their finances, she said, but also follow their hearts, because “you are your lucky charm.” Aww…

Money code 9

money code 9 YourTango

For 9s, it’s all about balance — or it should be anyway. “Any extreme in spending or saving will lead to financial losses,” Martin warned, so moderation in all things money is key. So is a positive attitude, she said, and carrying the right talisman. Any object that is symmetrical and has sharp edges, like a triangle or a square, will keep money flowing into your coffers.

: 8 Mindset Shifts To Manifest Money And Abundance

John Sundholm is a writer, editor, and video personality with 20 years of experience in media and entertainment. He covers culture, mental health, and human interest topics.

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