Nowadays many people have made a habit of running mobiles or sitting comfortably in the toilet. But do you know that sitting on the toilet seat too long can prove to be dangerous for your health? This habit can give rise to serious diseases, in which Piles, constipation, pressure on the veins and anal problems Are included. If you also have a habit of sitting in the toilet for a long time, be careful! Let us know what diseases can be caused by this habit and how it can be avoided.
Damage caused by sitting on toilet seat for a long time
1. The risk of piles (piles) increases
Sitting on the toilet seat for a long time increases pressure on the veins of the anus, which can cause piles. It can also cause pain, irritation and sometimes blood.
2. Problem of constipation
If you sit for a long time in the toilet, it can affect your intestinal normal activity, which can cause constipation. This can also increase stomach heaviness and gas problems.
3. Nerve Compression
Sitting for a long time increases pressure on the lower back veins, which can disrupt blood circulation. This can cause numbness and tingling problems in the feet.
4. Danger of bacteria and infection
Sitting for a long time on the toilet seat increases the risk of exposure to bacteria, causing urinary tract infection (UTI) and other infections.
5. Rectal Prolapse
Putting excessive pressure can exit the rectum, called rectal prolaps. This is a serious condition and may require surgery.
How to avoid these problems?
Long-term sitting habit on the toilet seat can gradually give rise to many serious diseases. Change this habit immediately and adopt healthy lifestyle, so that you can avoid digestive problems and other diseases.