Mumbai : Indian companies, dealing with global and local challenges, are focusing on making up the budget to the remuneration cost of employees working in their company, which can lead to an average salary hike 8.8 percent this year. Deloite India on Friday issued a report to this and made an estimate.
According to the report of Financial Consultancy Company Deloite India, the salary hike for the year 2025 is estimated to be 8.8 percent, which was 9 percent in the year 2024. Along with this, the report says that 75 percent of the companies will either reduce salary hikes or keep the same as last year.
According to the report, while most of the fields will keep salary hikes stable or moderately lower than last year, consumer product sector is expected to have a significant decrease in salary hike budget. Prakhar Tripathi, a partner in Deloit India, has said that due to the income growth of companies, their salary budget is naturally coming under pressure. Controlled trimmed and medium inflation are helping companies to adapt to salary hikes without adversely affecting talent results.
He has said that although it is expected that companies will continue to pay attention to the performance and talent differences. Deloite India Talent Outlook-2025 Report is based on a survey conducted between the Decision Maker of more than 500 companies in 7 areas.
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According to the report, companies are focused on maintaining major talents, but top performing staff can expect a 1.7 times salary hike compared to average performance, which is slightly lower than last year. It states that individual contributors and junior management level employees can expect a 1.3 times salary hike compared to the top management level.