Recently one Shocking research Has revealed, revealing that Most men of India are unable to fully satisfy their wifeThis research also states that lack of satisfaction in marital life affects married life, which causes sourness in relationships.
According to this research, About 63% of India's men are unable to satisfy their wife mentally, emotionally and physically.This figure is quite shocking, as it affects the quality of marital life.
According to research, there are many reasons why husbands are unable to fully satisfy their wife. The main reasons for these are as follows:
Research found that Lack of dialogue between husband and wife There is a big reason that women feel dissatisfied. Husbands are so busy with their work and responsibilities that they are unable to talk openly with their wife.
When there is no dialogue between husband and wife, distances start coming in their relationship, which reduces marital satisfaction.
according to research, 45% of India's men are unable to fully satisfy their wife during physical relationsThis problem mostly Physical fatigue, stress, and mental pressure Is due to
Sometimes they do not show interest in having a physical relationship due to lack of sexual desire in men or stress, which makes their wife feel dissatisfied.
Economic tension There is also a major cause of dissatisfaction in marital life. according to research, 56% male is unable to pay time and attention to his wife due to economic pressure।
When the financial burden of the house is only on men, they are mentally disturbed and are unable to meet their wife's emotional needs, which causes the marital life.
After marriage, the expectations of women increase from the husband. But when the husbands are unable to meet their emotional, mental or physical expectations, then women start feeling dissatisfied.
Research found that 52% of women in India are not happy with their married life because their expectations are not fulfilled.
If you want your married life to be happy and satisfied, then you can keep your wife happy by adopting the suggestions given below.
It is very important to have open dialogue between husband and wife. Talk to each other for 15-20 minutes dailyShare your routine and understand each other's feelings. This will strengthen marital relations.
After marriage, many couples forget their romantic life. But it is very important that you Go on date from time to time, give gifts, plan surprise and live romantic momentsThis will make your wife emotionally and physically satisfied.
If the financial burden of the house is put on the husband only, then it becomes stressed. It would be better The two together share the economic responsibilitiesThis will keep the husband relaxed and will be able to give more time to his wife.
Physical satisfaction is also an important part of marital life. If both husband and wife focus on their physical relationships and understand each other's needs, then married life will be more happy.
This research has taught us that Emotional, mental and physical satisfaction between husband and wife is very important for a happy married life.।
If the husband is not able to fully satisfy his wife, it directly affects their relationship, which can cause a rift in married life. Therefore, it is important that both husband and wife understand each other's needs and talk openly.
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According to research, About 63% of men are unable to fully satisfy their wife.
Yes, Lack of physical satisfaction can be a major cause of stress and dissatisfaction in marital life.