The holy month of Ramadan is special for everyone. After fasting all day, the time of Iftar is a relaxed moment when people enjoy eating with their family and friends. Tasty dishes and fresh things are decorated on every table. But on this beautiful occasion some things should be avoided. This may sound a bit strange to hear, but some foods can harm our bodies, especially when we iftar after being hungry throughout the day. Let us know what things should be avoided in Iftar and why.
Seeing the fried food in Iftar, the mind is tempted. Everyone likes dishes like pakoras, samosas and fried chicken. But after fasting all day, eating fried food is not good for the health. It is heavy and puts pressure on the stomach. When our stomach is empty, it is difficult to digest food full of oil and spices. This may cause stomach irritation, gas or heaviness. Instead, choose light and healthy food, such as dates, fruits or boiled things. This will give strength to your body, and the stomach will also get relief.
Sweet food in Iftar is part of our old tradition. It is also Sunnah to start Iftarar from dates. But after this, eating a lot of sweets, syrup or sugar-filled dishes is not good. After being hungry throughout the day, when we eat too much sweet food, the level of sugar in the blood suddenly increases. This may cause fatigue, dizziness or weakness. Eating more sweets also increases thirst, which can cause trouble during a fast. A little sweet is fine, but keep it in limits. Things made of fruit juice or natural honey can be a better option.
During the summer days, during Iftar, there is a lot of mind to drink cold water or cold drinks. After being thirsty throughout the day, drinking cold water gives freshness. But drinking very cold beverages is not right for your stomach. When our body remains warm and we suddenly drink something very cold, there may be stomach cramps or pain. It also slows down digestion. Instead, drink light, lukewarm water or water kept at room temperature. This will also quench your thirst and will not harm the body.
Spicy food in Iftar is the choice of many people. Spicy dishes enhance the taste and calm hunger. But after staying on an empty stomach throughout the day, eating food full of spices can cause trouble. It causes stomach irritation and can cause acidity. Especially if you have already suffered from stomach problems, then it is better to stay away from spicy things. Light spices and plain food will be more beneficial for you. This will also make Iftar fun and your health will also be fine.
Many people prefer to eat salty things in Iftar, such as chaa and salty or high-salt soup. It tastes good, but eating too much salt can increase your difficulties. After not drinking water throughout the day, eating salty items increases thirst. It can make you restless the next day. In addition, more salt can also affect blood pressure. Eat light and balanced food in Iftar, which has low salt content. This will keep your body hydrated, and you will feel refreshed.
Iftar time is a time when people eat a lot of food to eradicate hunger for the day. But this can be a big mistake. After being hungry throughout the day, eating heavy food suddenly puts a lot of pressure on the stomach. This may cause lethargy, fatigue and sleeplessness. Eat light food in Iftar, such as dates, soup or fruits. After a while, if you are hungry, then take a light dinner. This will also make your stomach happy, and you will be fresh for night prayers and prayers.
It is very important to know what to eat and what not to eat in Iftar. First of all, start Iftar from date;, it is also Sunnah and is also good for health. After this, drink light, lukewarm water. Then, take a little plain and light food, such as fruits, yogurt or soup. This will make your stomach ready to eat slowly. Avoid eating spicy, fried overyre sweet food. Keep the Iftar light and balanced so that your health remains and this month of Ramadan is relaxed.