A powerful lunar eclipse, Mercury retrograde, and Venus retrograde each have a strong influence on the weekly love horoscope for March 10 – 16, 2025. Eclipses often bring major significant events and revelations that can alter our lives and relationships. Misunderstandings and challenges in relationships arise this week, but if the relationship is stable, most things can be resolved.
We must guard against being overly critical of partners or ourselves this week. During Mercury retrograde, communication tends to become more confusing, so it is important to stay grounded, be open to change, and have clear communication. In many respects, this eclipse can be considered a wake-up call for existing problems and issues. This is a period of re-assessing and re-evaluating where we are going. This is not the time to start new relationships, get married or engaged, or buy high-ticket items.
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This week, you will become more discerning concerning your love life and who you date at this time if you are single.
If you are partnered, a period of critical introspection could lead to addressing any underlying issues that are causing problems. If an issue arises, don’t jump to conclusions!
Mercury and Venus retrograde can cause you to be overly critical with yourself or your partner. You may be more critical of your partner’s actions and behaviors this week, which could lead to a desire for change.
How much you give will also come into focus, especially if you feel that you are spending too much time serving your partner’s needs without reciprocation.
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Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango
This week’s eclipse brings your focus toward your partner. If you’re single, you may experience some loneliness and longing or even reflections on a past relationship.
While this week will certainly test the strength of your relationship, it’s a time to reflect on your connection and whether your needs are being served.
If your relationship is sound, tensions or hidden issues can be worked through and resolved this week. Focus on practicality and practical solutions to any problems.
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Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango
This week’s eclipse has you focused on family matters. If relations have been strained, now is the time issues could crop up.
If family members have objections to your relationship, the eclipse reveals their true thoughts. Remember to use clear communication to overcome any obstacles you face this week.
Otherwise, this eclipse affects your own home. Have you been thinking of making a move or some type of change within your home?
With both Venus and Mercury retrograde this week, it’s a good time to start planning your move or a home makeover — but don’t make any big decisions just yet. You’ll have a better experience taking action on your ideas once this retrograde season is over.
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Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango
You will seriously contemplate your relationship or current love interest to determine if it’s the right relationship for you moving forward.
This is a time for serious conversations with your partner so any underlying issues can come out and be fixed, so healthy communication is incredibly important this week.
Since Mercury retrogrades within a day of the eclipse, make sure you ask the right questions and don’t jump to any conclusions. Misunderstandings are typical during Mercury retrograde, and things may seem worse than they really are.
Between Mercury retrograde, Venus retrograde, and the eclipse energy this week, you’re extra sensitive, so try not to make any snap judgments and be open to hearing your partner out.
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Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango
This week, you are focused on what your real values are and how they align in your current relationship.
Do their personal values vibe with yours? Are you in tune with each other most of the time?
If you can answer yes to these questions, this week will go smoothly. But if you aren’t sure your values align, it may be time for a conversation to make sure you are on the same page.
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Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango
With the eclipse in your sign, you are more focused on your own interests this week, which could cause conflict with a partner or potential partner.
You’ve experienced difficulties in relationships over the last couple of years, Virgo, but this is a powerful week that presents the opportunity for you to finally move forward in the way that works best for you.
If you are single, reconnecting with someone from your past is likely this week. Re-evaluate your past relationships with a new perspective.
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Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango
This week, the powerful lunar eclipse reveals something unexpected about your partner or relationship.
Honest communication is necessary! With both Venus and Mercury retrograde, it’s important not to jump to conclusions.
If the relationship is stable, you will be able to work through things. This is a lesson in trust that both you and your partner can ace as long as you work together.
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Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango
Scorpio, you are an intense person and crave very deep and meaningful relationships. You may feel part of this is lacking in your relationship or, for some reason, feel confused about where you are in terms of togetherness and where you are headed.
This week, you will deeply question whether your partner is giving you what you want on an emotional level. With Venus and Mercury retrograde, it can be easy to jump to conclusions, so be sure to include your partner in the conversation so they know exactly how you’re feeling.
Proper communication in a relationship takes two, and working together will help you overcome whatever obstacles you face this week.
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Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango
This week, you may find it more difficult than usual to balance everything you have going on in your life.
Your list of priorities is growing, which may be causing a strain in your relationship or dating life. You may be so busy that you wonder if you even have time for a relationship.
This week, take an honest look at what you really want. If this includes a relationship, you will have to set boundaries and make time if you want to have or keep a partner, while remembering that all work and no play isn’t the life for a Sagittarius!
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Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango
Capricorn, you are one of the few zodiac signs that will see the powerful eclipse work in your favor.
That’s not to say that retrograde Venus can’t stir up problems, however, as you find yourself questioning the very meaning of life, your existence, and where your partner or potential love interest fits into things.
Being your practical self, there is no doubt that you will figure this out — which will give you something new to talk about with your partner. Just don’t get too deep. If there are differences or adjustments to make in the relationship, you should be able to do this with relative ease.
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Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango
You are ruled by Uranus, the planet of unpredictability. Because of this, you are typically carefree and don’t always find it easy to be tied down in a relationship or follow a strict schedule.
This week, however, you may start looking at things in a more practical and settled manner. There are benefits to having a steady partner, someone to come home to and share your big dreams with.
Look to step outside the box and reassess how you feel. You could also have some very powerful intimate encounters this week!
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Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango
Your focus is totally on relationships this week, especially if you have a partner or love interest. If you don’t have a love interest, your thoughts will probably turn to previous relationships as you question the dynamics of what happened there.
It hasn’t been an easy year for Pisces overall. You are questioning your interactions with others and perhaps establishing healthier boundaries and approaches. You may feel sad or as though you aren’t getting what you need.
Before jumping to conclusions, however, sit with these thoughts for a few days because the powerful eclipse may be making you somewhat negative. Be careful not to look at things from the worst point of view.
With all of the powerful energy this week making us more sensitive than usual, it’s important not to make any rash or impulsive decisions.
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Leslie Hale is a professional astrologer with over 30 years of experience specializing in astrological guidance to empower you with knowledge of future events, relationships, finances, and major life situations.