IIT Madras has started a new admission scheme for students who show excellence in Olympiads. Now these students will get admission in IIT on the basis of excellent performance in Olympiads.
A special scheme has been started by IIT Madras for admission. Which has been named 'Science Olympiad Excellence' (ScOpE).
Under this, direct admission will be given to those students who have performed well in national and international Olympiads. This admission process will be outside the scope of JEE (Advanced) and will be implemented from the 2025-2026 academic session.
According to reports, like getting admission on the basis of excellence in sports, arts and culture, the ScOpE scheme will also offer two additional seats in each academic program, out of which one seat will be reserved exclusively for female students. The eligibility criteria for this will remain the same as JEE (Advanced).
IIT Madras Director Prof. V. Kamakoti said that the world's biggest puzzles are not solved by memorizing books, but they are solved by those who break these puzzles, put them together again and pave the way for new discoveries for future generations. With this thought, IIT Madras has started a new initiative for top performing students in Science Olympiad.
Through ScOpE, students will be selected on the basis of ScOpE Rank List (SRL), which will be based on the performance of the candidates and their achievements in Science Olympiad. Questions related to Physics, Chemistry, Maths, Biology and Informatics will be asked in these Olympiads.
The admission process under the scheme will be separate from the JoSAA portal and students will have to apply on the ScOpE portal specially created by IIT Madras, jeeadv.iitm.ac.in/scope.
Candidates applying for this must be Indian nationals and must have participated in any one of the Olympiads mentioned here in the last 4 years. The Olympiads include International Mathematical Olympiad Training Camp, Orientation-cum-Selection Camp, and International Olympiad for Informatics Training Camp.