The Taj Mahal located in Agra city of Uttar Pradesh is considered a symbol of love. This mausoleum was built by Shah Jahan in memory of his Begum Mumtaz, which has been given the status of World Heritage by UNESCO in 1983. Throughout the year, a large number of tourists arrive here and take them to memorable moments in the room. Everyone knows about the Taj Mahal included in the 7 wonders of the world, but today we will tell you about the child Taj Mahal in us. Very few people know about this.
Efforts have been made many times to build a building like Taj Mahal, but no one has been able to copy the beautiful building so far. However, there is a similar building, also known as the child or baby Taj Mahal.
In fact, Nur Jahan built a brilliant tomb after the death of Etmaduddaula on the banks of the Yamuna River, which is called the child Taj Mahal. It is located in Agra. Explain that Etmaduddaula died in 1622 in Kangra, who was the only daughter of Nur Jahan. After Nikah from Jahangir, his influence had increased so much that he got his father and brother a high position. Etmaduddaula's real name was Mirza Gias Baig.
Explain that this tomb is the first Mughal -era building, which is built of white marble. In which stone Harai art was first used for the first time. Gold, precious stones, flowers, animals and birds were used on its walls. Due to which it gradually started becoming a center of attraction among the people.
This mausoleum built in the Charbagh style has high walls, bridges, fountains, four entrances and four high minarets. For this reason, it is similar to the Taj Mahal, which people also know by the name of Baby Taj Mahal.
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