Assam Police Constable PET result will be declared today, March 12. The results will be declared by the State Level Police Recruitment Board (SLPRB), Assam at 11 am. Candidates appearing in the physical efficiency test can check their results by visiting the official website of the recruitment board and entering the registration number and date of birth. Candidates successful in PET will be included in the further selection process.
Through this recruitment process, a total of more than 4000 posts including Constable (UB), Constable (AB), Boatman, and Police Constable (Communication) will be filled in Assam Police. The examination was conducted under the guidelines issued by the Recruitment Board. For more information, candidates can check the official notification issued earlier.
Assam Police Constable PET Result 2025 How to Check: Check PET results like this
Visit the official website of Assam Police Recruitment Board
Go to the result section given on the home page.
Click on the Constable PET Result link here.
Now enter the required information and submit.
The result will appear on your screen.
Now check and take a printout.
Assam Police SI Result 2025: SI recruitment exam results have been declared
The results of the Assam Police Sub Inspector Recruitment written examination were declared by the Recruitment Board on 6 March. The written examination for SI recruitment was conducted on 5 January 2025 at various centers across the state. The written examination was conducted for recruitment to a total of 203 posts of Sub Inspector.
The successful candidates will appear in PET / PST. According to the schedule released by the Recruitment Board, PET will be conducted from 17 to 21 March at the 4th Assam Police Battalion, Kahilipara, Guwahati. Candidates successful in the written examination can check the schedule of PET by visiting the official website of the board.
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