Staff Selection Commission (SSC) has released the tentative vacancy details for the Stenographer Grade C and D Recruitment Exam 2025. Candidates can visit the official website of SSC,, to know the number of possible posts. According to the notification issued by the commission, a total of 1,926 posts can be recruited under this recruitment process.
Computer-based examination Paper 1 for Stenographer recruitment was conducted on 10 and 11 December 2024 at various centers across the country. The results of Paper 1 were declared on 6 March 2025. Along with the result, the commission also released the list of candidates selected for category-wise cut-off percentage and skill test.
SSC Stenographer 2024 Tentative Vacancies: How many stenographer posts will be recruited?
According to the tentative vacancy details released by the commission, recruitment can be done for 239 posts of Stenographer Grade C and a total of 1687 posts of Stenographer Grade D. Candidates can check the information of the number of posts department-wise by visiting the official website of SSC. These posts have been allotted to various government departments, and ministries under Grade C and Grade D categories.
SSC Stenographer 2024 Tentative Vacancies How to Check: Check like this
Visit the official website of SSC
Click on the Stenographer Tentative Vacancy link given on the home page.
A PDF will appear on your screen.
Now check and take a printout.
SSC Stenographer Bharti: How many candidates will appear in the skill test?
SSC had said in the Paper 1 result notification that based on the performance of the candidates in the computer-based examination, 9345 candidates have been declared successful for the skill test for the post of Stenographer Grade 'C'. Whereas a total of 26610 candidates have been declared eligible for the skill test for the post of Stenographer Grade 'D'.
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