After the completion of the Bihar Board examination, now the students are waiting for their results to be released. In such a situation, let us know when will the Bihar Board Class 12th results come?
The Bihar Board Class 10th and 12th exams are over. Now the students are eagerly waiting for their exam results. In such a situation, news is coming that the results of class 12th can be released in March itself, while the results of class 10th are likely to come in April. Students are advised to keep checking the official website of BSEB from time to time as the results will be released online only.
Recently the answer key was released for the students, due to which time was also given till 5 pm on March 10 to register objections on the related questions. Now the board will issue the scorecard after checking all the objections.
When will the class 12th results be released?
According to a notice issued by the board, Bihar Board Class 12 results can be released by March 31. After the result is released, students will have to check their score by visiting the official website. To see the result, candidates have to visit and
How many students register in class 12th?
The board will release the mark sheets of the children only after the result is released, which the students will get from their schools only. Let us inform you that a total of 1292313 candidates appeared in the examination of both class 12th in the board examination of Bihar Board 2025. This includes 641847 girls and 650466 boys. 1677 exam centers were also set up for them all over Bihar.