Telegram Update: Telegram released a new update, got many interesting features; will also tighten the noose on spam..
Shikha Saxena March 12, 2025 08:15 PM

Not only India but the whole world is troubled by spam calls and messages. Many times scammers cheat people through this. Meanwhile, Telegram has released a new update to avoid this spam. If you are a user of the social media app Telegram, then you will breathe a sigh of relief knowing this. The company has released a new update full of many features for its millions of users. This latest version has innovative monetization tools that will improve your experience on the platform.

According to Telegram, the new features that come with the new update will not only ensure the safety of Telegram users but will also encourage them to creative content creation. With this update, premium users are now getting the Star Earn feature. With the help of this feature, spam messages can be controlled and you can also earn more and more stars. If a person who is not in your contact wants to send you a message, then he will have to pay a fee in stars. This will reduce spam. It will help in keeping the inbox clean and even help users get Telegram stars.

Contact Confirmation
Telegram has also introduced a new option called Contact Confirmation with the new update. With this feature, whenever an unknown user sends you a message for the first time, a notification appears on your screen. This page contains important details about the sender of the message, such as their country, if you and the person sending the message share a common group, then there is information about that group, their account history (when they joined it), etc. Apart from this, Telegram will also tell on that notice page whether the person sending the message is verified or not.

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