Rajasthan News Desk !!! There are some secrets that you try to solve as much as you will get entangled. One such Raj is also buried in Kuldhara village in Jaisalmer district of Rajasthan. This village has been deserted for the last 170 years. A village that became deserted overnight and people have not understood what was the secret of this village being deserted for centuries. Rajasthan is a state where many secrets and stories related to history are hidden in every city which makes it special. This state was special for the kings and emperors for many reasons. This is the most scary fort in India, which is called the fort of Bhangarh. But not only Bhangarh, there is a ghostly village here, where people are afraid to go during the day, even during the day. The story of this village is quite shocking. The name of this village is Kuldhara
There is a strange secret about the desolation of Kuldhara village. In fact, the story of Kuldhara began about 200 years ago, when Kuldhara was not a ruin but 84 villages were settled by Paliwal Brahmins. But then Kuldhara got a bad eye of someone, he was a person Diwan Salam Singh of the princely state. Ayyash Dewan Salam Singh's dirty eye fell on a beautiful girl in the village. Diwan was so crazy about the girl that he just wanted to get her in some way. For this, he started pressing the Brahmins. The extent was reached when Diwan sent a message to the girl's house that if she did not find the girl by the next full moon, she would attack the village and pick up the girl.
This battle between Diwan and the villagers was now honored with the honor of a virgin girl as well as the village self-respect. There was a meeting of Paliwal Brahmins on the village chaupal and more than 5000 families decided to leave the princely state for their honor. It is said that all 84 villagers gathered in a temple to take a decision and the panchayats decided that whatever happens, they would not give their girls to that Diwan. The next evening Kuldhara was so deserted that even today the birds did not enter the village border. It is said that those Brahmins cursed this place while leaving the village. Let us tell you that with the changing times, 82 villages were rebuilt, but two villages Kuldhara and Khabha have not been able to be inhabited till date despite all efforts. This village is now under the protection of the Archaeological Department of India, which is opened to tourists in daylight every day.
It is said that spiritual powers are inhabited by this village. According to those visiting the village of Kuldhara, who have become a tourist destination, the voice of Paliwal Brahmins living here can still be heard. They always feel that someone is walking there. The sounds of the market, women's chirping and their bangles and anklets are always there. The administration has built a gate on the border of this village, due to which tourists keep visiting during the day, but do not dare to cross this gate at night.
There is a temple in Kuldhara village which is still free from curse. There is also a stepwell which was the source of drinking water at that time. There are also some stairs to reach a cool corridor below, it is said that some voices are often heard after dusk here. People believe that the voice is the pain of the 18th century, which led to the Paliwal Brahmins. There are some houses in the village where mysterious shadows are often seen. In the light of the day, everything seems like the story of history, but in the evening, the doors of Kuldhara are closed and a mysterious world of spiritual powers comes out. People say that whoever came here at night became a victim of the accident.
In May 2013, a team of Paranormal Society, who researched ghosts from Delhi, spent the night in Kuldhara village. The team believed that something would definitely be unusual here. In the evening, his drone camera was taking pictures of the village from the sky, but as soon as he came over that stepwell, the camera dive into the air and fell on the ground. Like there was someone who did not approve the camera. It is true that thousands of families migrated from Kuldhara, it is also true that even today, Rajasthani culture is reflected in Kuldhara.
Anshul Sharma, vice president of Paranormal Society, had said that we have a device named Ghost Box. Through this, we ask questions to the souls living in such places. The same was done in Kuldhara, where some voices were heard and in some cases the souls also told their names. The team, which went to Kuldhara on the night of 4 May 2013 (Saturday), found the hand marks of the children on the vehicles. When the members of the team returned after visiting Kuldhara village, the children's claw marks were also seen on the glass of their vehicles. (As the members of the team went to Kuldhara told the media) But it is also true that the stories of ghosts in Kuldhara are just an illusion.
According to historians, Paliwal Brahmins used to press under the ground, which contained a large amount of gold-silver and diamonds and jewels. That is why whoever comes here starts digging from place to place. With the hope that perhaps that gold will get their hands. This village is still found scattered.